Mobility Index
Ability Health has developed a new outcome indicator for geriatric population. We have identified some limits and barriers in all the available outcome measures. Standardised outcome measures are devised for individual those are capable of walking and cognitively intact. In the Long Term Care Facility a large population of residents cannot perform activity on verbal command; therefore the standardized measurements have failed to address their need.
Ability Health has developed a Mobility index which has been used in all the Long Term Facilities that we provide services. Mobility index measures dynamic balance, transfer ability, Range of Motion and mobility. Score is charted over a graph. This chart indicates the mobility index of an individual, for the house and for the entire Facility.
Mobility Score : (Resident's Name.) _____________________________________________________
Ability Health has developed a Mobility index which has been used in all the Long Term Facilities that we provide services. Mobility index measures dynamic balance, transfer ability, Range of Motion and mobility. Score is charted over a graph. This chart indicates the mobility index of an individual, for the house and for the entire Facility.
Mobility Score : (Resident's Name.) _____________________________________________________
Mobility index scoring sheet
- Mobility Index Score provides the overall mobility status of an individual.
- The mobility index is demonstrated on a line graph to determine Mobility status in given period of time (one year).
- Mobility index Score is not a quantitative measurement for ADL independency
Utilization of Mobility index graph
- To Determine the Average Mobility Index Score of all the residents in a Long Term Care Facility.
- To determine the level of Physiotherapy care to be provided.
- To determine the time allocation for Physiotherapy care in each houses of Long Term Care.
Mobility index score is produced every month and a copy of the report is provided to the facility.